cunt-ee –adjective pertaining to or characterized by being a cunt.
She's so cunty.
by antion September 28, 2009
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1. The act of being a cunt, yet still being like-able.
Orange: im usually pretty honest with the goings-on of my life
Orange: probably a stupid thing to do online
Orange: but at this point idc really
Bonnie: Tuesday: shared my asshole with the internet again today, got some laughs. Someone made a carnival ride out of the picture.
Orange: lol
Orange: bonnie, you cunty bitch x
by @underthecat September 25, 2013
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when someone is like is just serving so hard it makes you a little more gay
“you are so cunty right now😛”
by Swiftie198999 August 24, 2023
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Usually the bitch of the ball. Full of self loathing but surrounded by beautiful people... Dosnt know the difference between a dick and a deck, but sits down either way. Ho Ho Ho
by Bomb.ass.bitch May 10, 2017
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Like a cunt.
Adjective, used to describe a dude displaying woman-like characteristics.
Paulie to Christopher: Now don't get cunty
by God Loki October 18, 2006
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a description of the actions of someone acting like/possessing the characteristics of, a cunt.more mild then the term cunt.
by offlyner May 7, 2006
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adj. moody, bitchy, rude, being cunt like
She is in a really cunty mood today.

God why are you being so cunty?
by DarkJoy October 23, 2009
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