1. a girl who us so much of a prude that her fun parts have an electrified security system.

2. an uptight bitch
"she's such a f@ckin' thunder-cunt. I spent like 300 bucks on that date and all I got was a goodnight kiss."

"every time I see that thunder-cunt It makes me wanna slap 'da ho"
by S to da B April 23, 2006
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A rich female authoritarian despot who lives like royalty, has a grating voice, complains, wags her fat little finger at her “subjects”, and enjoys destroying state economies.
I can’t stand watching the weekly briefings from the governor of New Mexico because she is a Thunder Cunt.
by Entirely Over It October 30, 2020
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A cunt suitable for use by the whole family - at the same time if required.
Would you and your brother stop fighting over that thunder cunt, there's room for everyone!
by LouGee August 28, 2008
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n one who is an enormous cunt.

v what you call someone who is an enormous cunt

adj your not just a regular cunt, you are an ENORMOUS cunt
"Screw you thunder cunt."

Matt was a thunder cunt yesterday because he kept trying to rape little children.

by Austyn, you know me October 3, 2007
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A ginormous bitch, one who is usually loose. & sucks alot of dick.
Whitney Nichole Thorton is a ginormous thunder cunt
by tiler and sophie July 16, 2011
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