A very old word your parents might use in front of your super cool friends to seem just as super cool
dad:what are you and your super cool friends up to?


dad:cool beans

*super cool friends walk away*

daughter:thanks dad.
by Goregasm December 4, 2006
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Hee hee hee. :D...:(. "Cool Beans" is an expression meaning something is cool, awesome, or tight (not tight like very small, but cool). It's also what my really really mean science teacher in 6th used to say when everything was ready to roll (another expression meaning everything was done and you could get started). Everyone in the class was just bewildered/wanted to laugh when she said it.
1.) Whoa! Cool Beans!!! I love that idea!!

2.)"Cool Beans!" the science teacher said, "we can now get started. Turn your book to page 124."

*As the students are turning to pg. 124, some mutter among themselves....*

Student A: "Cool Beans? COOL BEANS?!?!? What the heck is that?!!?! It's sooo stupid!!!"
Student B: "Yeah, really! That IS stupid! I can't wait 'til we get outta this class..."

*Both students look at clock... So much time...time...time...*

Student A: "Pfft. Nether can I!"

*Teacher starts lesson.... and the students wait.... and wait.... and wait...*
by Elizabeth September 4, 2004
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The act of going to the movies in Toms River, then to Cool Beans coffee house next door. Usually involves watching J-Rock belittle tweens that come in to eat there, and eating various fried foods.
Person 1: Hey what are you doing tonight, person 2?
Person 2: I'll be cool beaning it so I can watch J-Rock belittle some giggling idiots.
Person 1: May I join you for said activity?
Person 2: Of course.
by Echoes917 May 30, 2008
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awesome, neat, okay, all right, far out, groovy, etc.
(i think i heard this before, but no one else i know remembers it. i don't think i made it up, but i'll gladly take credit. it can get annoying if overused i realize - which i have a tendancy to do...)
person 1: i'm going to the game this saturday.
person 2: cool beans.
person 3: i scored tickets to the ___________ show for half price.
person 1: Cool Beans!
by Susan Ryan October 7, 2007
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a word meaning an exclamation or an approval like 'rad' or 'awesome'
Ethel: "i just scored tickets to the Mindless Self Indulgence concert!"
Fred: "Cool beans!"

by Dolly Parton Jr. December 27, 2008
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A really cool restaurant in Toms River, usually the place all the teens in town go to after they go to the decrepit movie theater next door. Known for their great coffee and awesome wraps, as well as the ancient art of karaoke every Monday night. It's got an excellent wait-staff that includes the craziest mofo on the planet Johnny Frana, he belittles and otherwise ridicules all the tweens that come in, but they're too stupid to realize it. The best thing on the menu is the appetizer sampler. In other words, it's the mecca of fun and entertainment if you don't feel like dealing with the bar scene.
Person 1: Hey what are you doing tonight, person 2?
Person 2: I'm gonna go to Cool Beans and watch Johnny belittle some giggling idiots.
Person 1: May I join you for said activity?
Person 2: Of course.
by Echoes917 May 29, 2008
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The first of a series of unnecessary and over-used catch-phrases when something happens to one's liking. The list goes as follows: Cool beans! Hot ice! Stolen diamonds! Pistol-packin' granny! Sinister Minister!

The "c" can also be stuttered to enhance the effect.
C-c-c-c-c-cool beans!
by Number J May 31, 2005
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