A stateless, classless, and moneyless utopia in which sex is shared communally by everyone. Everyone gets an equal share of sex. Every person in the masses of the population will have sex with each other in one giant orgy under communism after that the cum from ejaculation that dripped on the floor will be distributed equally for everyone to eat, drink, get kinky with, and enjoy!
“Why do you hate communism so much?”

by ComradeKinkMachine 1237 February 21, 2022
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Misunderstood by a majority of people. It does not abolish personal property, but it does abolish private businesses and attempts to distribute equal rights to the population.
"I really wish that we could effectively introduce communism." "Yeah, but with all this misinformation it would be really hard."
by The_Sprongler420 April 5, 2022
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Communism, something that was invented in the middle of bourbon and bad decisions.
by Acedith April 19, 2017
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Something that, in theory, is a good idea. Communism is an ideal that believes that everyone should share everything, so that poverty wouldn't exist, and there wouldn't be a gap between richer and poorer classes. The problem is, communist governments become corrupt, because people are greedy, so it doesn't work.
Person One: Why's that country so messed up?
Person Two: They just got rid of communism, and are now trying to put their country back together.
by More Awesome Than Thou December 2, 2005
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The neutral, non-judgemental version of the term 'slut'. Someone who has had sex with a large quantity of people.
Freshman #1: "I've been slowly realizing that my roommate Ben is communal!"
Freshman #2: "Good for him man!"
by warm_cave_holder69 September 26, 2019
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Lenin: I'm going to try communism!
Stalin: Y'all mind if I E X I S T
by Johntherandomperson January 15, 2019
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