A ho/whore/both that really likes to cheat on projects from the smart kid and gurgles his macaroni in her mouth for a long time
by Fuckboysgirlfriend December 15, 2019
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A statement evincing such utter disdain for someone or something so as to render all further conversation useless. A conversation ender.
Charles: I'll tell you what, I'll let you have it for $50.00, and that's my final offer.

Joseph: Suck my fucking cock!

Judge: You, sir, have not shown the Court that you possess a single reedeming quality; you are a drunkard, a wife beater, a philanderer, a liar, a failure, and a loser; in short, a complete disgrace! Do you have anything at all to say for yourself?

Defendant: Suck my fucking cock!
by A Man called Horse September 16, 2013
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(n.) a derogitary term used for a noun

also see jackass,bitch,fucker,hoe, and various other forms of profanity.
1. you mother fucking cock sucker, u fucked my mother after sucking my fathers dick.
2. The computer didnt work so i called it a mother fucking cock sucker.
3. the car didnt start so the driver yelled mother fucking cock sucker in anger
by lolwut484793ue3j June 26, 2004
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a squitchy little horrible freshman kid that comes up to you while you're making out with your girlfriend and says, "NO PDA!" because he is sexually frustrated and thinks he's being clever. this is especially frustrating when you're trying to cop a feel.

cock-blocking freshman fucks often congregate in groups. these obnoxious and useless creatures are often found in ideal makeout locales such as stairwells, smoking patios, and dark abandoned corners, but only after you've started making out do they choose to reveal themselves.

cock-blocking freshman fucks should be forced to wear muzzles.
tease: "oh, no...i shouldn't..."
horny jackass: "come on, baby, just one feel."
tease: "...oh, fine."
cock-blocking freshman fuck: *leaps out from behind garbage can* "NO MAKING OUT IN SCHOOL!"
horny jackass: "you little cock-blocking freshman fuck!"
by tangerine kicks daisies November 12, 2009
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hornty as hell
stroung sex
Banging a hot chick
Did your mom last night bitch
wow u ass fucking cock sucker that was some good sex
by Mega July 7, 2004
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A usless ramble when your pissed off because something didn't work. Usualy heard around workplaces.
Ahhh god-damn-fucking-cock-shit the non-destructive restore didn't work.
by Jadraxx February 22, 2004
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