A combination of things going extremely wrong in a short period of time within the same general activity -- caused by stupidity and/or ineptitude.

A polite term using the same initials would be compound fiasco.
This PR fiasco is a gigantic clusterfuck.
by Scandacious March 18, 2004
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A situation that is totally fucked up, especially as a result of managerial incompetence.

Originally of military origin; a double play on the word "cluster," both evoking multiple fuckups, as used in the term "cluster bomb," and evoking the oak leaf or star "cluster" insignia of the REMF who did the fucking.
Military: "Fuck, I heard Wilkins bought it last night going into that 'headquarters building.' The fucker was shit empty except for the IED that blew him to hell. Took two other guys' legs off and shit. Whose goddamed idea was that whole clusterfuck, anyway?"

Civilian: "That Big Dig is a complete clusterfuck from end to end. Over budget, over due, and now under water."

Incorrect, but sounds like fun: "The three of us got together and clusterfucked all night."
by The Fucking Police September 19, 2006
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a shitstorm of bad stuff happening all at once.
Adriana: Wow I'm getting sued, got into a car accident, got verbally abused from one of my best friends over a dumb rumor, jury duty, my TA lost all of my essays, and school started...

Jamal: What. A. Clusterfuck.
by Johnsmith1010101 March 28, 2011
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Clusterfuck (adj.): An excessive mass, group, or accumulation of things in a disorderly and unproductive manner.
Ex.: "The world is a clusterfuck of dooftards."
by NeverFearTheTurkIsHere April 28, 2010
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When events spiral out of control; when two or more events occur at the same time.
My car was totaled, my husband was arrested, and I can't bail him out. Man, what a clusterfuck!
by TGob December 28, 2005
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Marine slang -- A clusterfuck was any group of Marines big enough to draw enemy fire, or several Marines close enough together to be wounded by the same incoming round. More generically, a clusterfuck was something that was all screwed up. Whenever three or more CAP Marines gathered in the open, talking or working on something, somebody was sure to call out "clusterfuck!" and one or more guys would walk away.
4 Marines were killed in a giant clusterfuck.
by RobOfDayton September 29, 2005
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Large quantity of confused people in a disorganized manner.
Sorry I'm late, it was a real clusterfuck on main street.
by Anonymous November 24, 2002
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