a man with a very unusually amount of stress piled deep down inside that finally desides to release it by fuckin chickens and other farm animals of that sort(ducks too).
you are a chicken fucker bastard said the farmer to the night of england
by poopsmith21 July 5, 2007
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boby is a chicken fucker for going to church at 2 in the morning
by john August 15, 2003
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one who fucks chickens
whether they be small or large they proceed in doing the shit out of them
P1: hey man, someone has been killing my chickens via anal penetration.
p2: its that god damn chicken fucker neighbor of yours
by steveo23 July 23, 2008
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Someone who gets so shitty that they occasionally find themselves in the neighbor's chicken coop coming out of a blackout with their cock in a hapless chicken!
"Dude, my wife says I've gotta check out some of those A&A classes! She caught me coming out of the chicken coop last night crowing like a rooster with my wiener in a hen, and then she wouldn't stop calling me an intoxicated chicken fucker!"
by Misty Dawn May 28, 2008
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CNN News reporter: "Yeah pulled this bitch last night. Got her ass home. Sobered tha fuk up tho. She was rank and i couldna get wood. Pulled a frozen chicken outta tha deep freeze. The ho fingered her slime hole throughout. Even ma dog licked tha bitch out. Man ima frozen chicken fucker"
by DIRTY BOLLOCKS June 23, 2017
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one who ass raipes cock birds
inbody fucks chickens (or)
"Nathan, Why are you such a chicken fucker?"
by YerMom September 28, 2003
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One who get sexually involved with a chicken in someway. Weather its a live chicken or chicken meat(aka chicken breast or chicken drumsticks)
Jon Grossman you are a chicken fucker you fucked a chicken breast.
by I see all September 18, 2008
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