An attack of odd feeling that make you want to just sit there and shake while trying to crush your own bones by shaking.
3 yr old girl's name in game: "kityysparklespretty11"
everyone who is mentally fit: c r i n g e a l e r t
by "D*cktionary" November 24, 2020
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An attack of odd feeling that make you want to just sit there and shake while trying to crush your own bones by shaking.
3 yr old girl's name in game: "kityysparklespretty11"
everyone who is mentally fit: c r i n g e a l e r t
by "D*cktionary" November 24, 2020
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Me “C H A I R”
You “noice
by codenamedoIphin November 18, 2020
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a childhood joke that pervertied little kids play on inicent little kids. They will tell you to look down your shirt and spell out attic. You then say A-T-T-I-C. How wrong
johnny: Hey Bill, look down your shirt and spell attic.
Bill: ok (looks down shirt) A-T-T-I-C
Johnny and friends: haha bill's a weirdo
by Mic August 5, 2004
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E-extremist N-nutbag I-in C-charge as seen on Burn Notice a definition given by Sam Axe to Michael Westen on the episode Besieged 8/4/11.
Person A: It's a militia compound. Look! There is the E.N.I.C.
Person B: E. N. I. C.?
Person A: Extremist Nutbag In Charge.
by CostumeJinx August 5, 2011
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e p i c is usually used when something is epic and chill, and most typically used when the user has no idea what to do to the sentence
o no me died-ed”
“e p i c”
“O kool me mom bot me ps4
“e p i c”
e p i c
by zapthebird August 19, 2019
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