idiotic gadget that looks like a pda and minicomputer all in one.
hey those suits got the new line of blackberrys
by ashley n. t. September 6, 2005
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someone who knows every fact and everything about eveything
Example 1:

Girl1: Yeah, omg it was Patricks birthday today

Girl2: wow your sucha blackberry

Example 2:

Girl1: i no shes 16 now she can get her G1 for 6 months and drive legaly with someone thats a legalized driver in the car

Girl2: um okay blackberry
by kay true February 24, 2009
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A loud, rude, flatuation sound, made with the anus (similar to raspberry).
You would expect the occasional blackberry from some of the investors at the RIM stockholder's meeting.
by billthecat November 12, 2012
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The slow, meandering, annoying way someone walks when they're on their blackberry and they're not paying attention to how much they are in everybody else's way.
"I would have been here earlier but I was stuck getting out of the subway behind some idiot doing the blackberry shuffle."
by suerewoo March 6, 2007
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A time out or pause during a meeting or training session designated to check and respond BlackBerry messages.
I was in a full day training session on diversity, and I was worried that I would not be able to check my messages. However, the trainers sceduled BlackBerry breaks through out the session so I was able to respond to my messages without disrupting thier training session.
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A people traffic jam that occurrs in subway tunnels and bus stations. Caused by inconsiderate workaholics walking too slow while their noses are glued to their Blackberry device.
I was late for work because there was a Blackberry Jam getting out of the A train.
by bratina August 30, 2005
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Medical disorder resulting in ill-conceived, random, rant-like messages being sent on blackberry or similar pda's. Normal delays caused by lack of proximity to Internet access that hinder senders impulsive natures have been removed with the advent of immediate access to the Internet via Blackberry. Hence, suffers of blackberry tourettes do not think of the consequences of messages before pushing SEND.
"WTF - I just got this message from Fred that makes no fucking sense. He is going to piss off a boat load of people with this. WHAT was he thinking??"

"Dude, it's just Blackberry Tourettes"
by 57raj August 10, 2009
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