baseball is a game in which extreme amounts of mental toughness/concentration are needed in order to play successfully, also known as america's pastime.
a player on a baseball field has to be ready for the ball to be hit to them every single pitch. Lets say you don't have the ball hit your way the entire game until the final inning (9th in MLB) after being mentaly prepared for roughly 150 pitches (2 and a half hours, give or take) without seeing it come your way, in that play you drop the ball causing your team to lose...extremely taxing on the mind, do not ever say this game is easy until you try this.
by AClancy March 20, 2008
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Baseball isn’t just a bunch of dumbasses hitting and throwing a ball. Baseball is tradition, baseball unites people, baseball is a pastime, baseball is triumph but also defeat. We look up to our baseball heroes, they might strikeout 5 times that game but we still love them. Baseball fans are the best fans in existence, our team might lose every fucking game and we’re completely pissed but we are right back watching them the next season. The players are great, whether they’re signing autographs, throwing a ball in the stands, or jacking homeruns they’re always smiling and loving there game. Unlike football we have some decently respecting players that will actually fucking stand up for their country. The players are so diverse short, tall, fat, Mexican, black, white, Asian, everything. Baseball has sparked many generations to love the game. One of the best speeches in baseball history comes from Lou Gehrig, “ On this day I consider myself to be the luckiest man on the face of the Earth,” even though he knew he would suffer a tragic death he knew he was privileged enough to play in front of tons of people who truly admired him and shared his love for the game. Many kids have grown up with baseball in their hearts and begged to play alongside their heroes. There is nothing more American than apple pie, hot dogs, and baseball ⚾️. Whether you’re a bandwagon loving Yankee or maybe you’re a live in the past Reds fan always remember the true meaning and values of baseball.
by ⚾️ November 23, 2017
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Baseball, quite simply, is amazing. It's a sport in which mental toughness, execution, and skills are put to the test. Anyone who dislikes this sport has big issues. This sport has the power to bring families together, and is a huge part of childhood, and a bonding moment between a son and his father, or grandfather. It is a way of life, and is a huge success in America, the greatest country on earth! GO BRAVES!!!
baseball is awesomeness
by goGOP July 5, 2009
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The United State's, Japan's, China's, Korea's, Cuba's and the Dominican Republic's national sport. Better than cricket.

Anyone who says that it is easy, I'd like to see you play 160 games a season
American: My Favorite team is the New York Yankees and my favorite player is Derek Jeter

Japanese: My Favorite team is the Yomiuri Giants and my favorite player is Koji Uehara

Chinese: My Favorite team is the Beijing Tigers and my favorite player is Nan Wang

Korean: My Favorite team is the Hanhwa Eagles and my favorite player is Chien Ming-Wa

Cuban: My Favorite team is the Mantanzas and my favorite player is Esteban Bellan

Dominican: My Favorite team is the Tigres del Licey and my favorite player is Luis Castillo

by KILLSZY September 24, 2006
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the only sport that a player has to score from where you started, not away.
Soccer: try to kick the ball in your opponent's goal
Hockey: put the putt into the other net.
Golf: hit the golf ball to the hole that's like miles away from you.
Basketball: shoot the ball into your opponent's basket.
by September 24, 2009
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Life (stupid urbandictionary is messing with the simplicity of this definition).
Person 1: Baseball is life
Person 2: That's repetitive, life is life?
by zachakabaseballgod October 16, 2006
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A wonderful and fun game to watch play. The modern game of baseball was invented in by Alexander Cartwright, an American, born in New York city, New York(Not Canada for the ignorant Canadians who try to claim something they have no right to). Baseball is a game of speed, focus, concentration, strength, and even strategy(who to pinch hit, should you just show a pinch hitter to confuse the other team, who to walk what to throw in what situation to achieve what you are trying to do). The game of baseball, like someone else on here mentioned, is a game a lot of people, especially when they do not look at all the aspects of the game, think it is boring. The game of baseball is in fact, in my opinion, quite fast. It could be a 0-0 game in the 7th inning lets say and someone could hit a grandslam and theres 4-0. At any time in baseball, at least 1 point can be added to the board with one swing of the bat if its a homer.

PS: Sometimes lets say i go to get some chips or something and get back and even though i took only a minute I missed seeing 3 or more points being scored, that is way faster than football.
Canadian: Canada invented baseball, eh
Me: No you didn't "EH"(says mockingly) it was invented by Alexander Cartwright in the late 1800s who was born in New York
Canadian; Oh I apoligize then eh, at least we both agree baseball kicks ass, eh?
Me: True that.
by Daver91 November 28, 2011
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