steve: so who'd u hang out with last nite

luie:oh i was walking n talked to a zay on the street that i had never meet we got to know eachother then we went to a bar

steve: oh thats cool
by zay093814 July 18, 2011
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Zay is a replacement for say or the name of someone who is lit.
"Zay no more."
by ZayNoMore December 21, 2016
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A nigger that likes nice stinky shit, also he might steal ur money cus his Indian and hes the homie and we love him but his so fucking loud just stfu for once pls.
stop being such a zay u nigger.
by Mohamood The Homie July 15, 2021
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a formerly great company that manages structured products. they now outsource work and shit on employees with the best ideas. they are unlikely to survive the post financial crisis era.
my returns this year were great; i massively outperformed zais.
by east coast underpants gnome January 20, 2012
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A beautiful girl who is usually blonde and short. She makes any guy with her the most lucky guy in the world.
I'm so lucky to have Zay :)
by DaKushkilla November 18, 2010
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Zay is the short form of the russian word "Zayebis." Translated into English, this would roughly equate the phrase "Shut the fuck up."
A: So, yesterday me and my girlfriend were talking, and she started telling me about her friend who went to high school with this other girl ...
B: ...ZAY!
by Mariopizza1 May 4, 2011
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Zay is a short word for a dumb fuck. He is dumb af and gets pissed off easily. Period.
Zay is the biggest dumb fuck ive ever met. - Obama
by MeIsPerson May 28, 2020
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