We have all four seasons, our summers are hot and our winters are cold. We have cities and country sides, and lots of fresh water. The people here work hard and drink harder. Beer is a form of currency and drank like water. We have the highest bar to person ratio in the nation and beer is served everywhere from family gatherings to church picnics. Wisconsin sells their beer in cases (30 beers) so if you walk into a party with a 6 pack of beer people will know you’re from Illinois, call you a FIB and tell you to get out. Our colleges pre-game harder than the rest of the nation parties. It’s called a bubbler here, not a drinking fountain. Our politicians do what is right, not popular, and we support them for that. We put cheese on everything and last but not least, we’re crazy about the Packers. GO! PACK! GO!
Welcome to Wisconsin. The land of beer, brats and cheese. We're just great people just looking to have a good time.
by Wisconsin's finest February 15, 2013
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An awesome state that is a paradise for outdoorsmen and city dwellers alike. It is illogical to call it "Minnesota Junior," being that it has a larger population than Minnesota by over 400,000. Madison rocks, it's easily the coolest state capitol and has one of the sweetest colleges in the country. Milwaukee offers all the amenities of a metropolis without being as much of a black hole for state resources like the Twin Cities or Chicago. Hurray for my northeastern neighbor Wisconsin.
While it is possible that Wisconsin is the best state in the Midwest, the Hawkeyes will always be better than the Badgers.
by Midwestern Son July 5, 2005
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State where 95% of adults drink, and 97% of the youth does the same. Also, full of the hottest sluts you'll ever see.
16 Year old Wisconsin Girl: I heard this rumor theres a drinking age , and you can't drink unless you're 32.
15 year old Wisconsin Boy: No way. Lets get wasted and fuck.
16 Year old Wisconsin Girl: Ok.
by Stacy Carlton January 3, 2006
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Wisconsin is an awesome place to live. I know most people say they have good beer but that doesn't mean that they drink it too much. The Packers aren't so great but that doesn't mean that Wisconsinites are the same. Not everyone lives of a farm!!! There are many people who own homes but live the suburbs and don't own farms. There are also people who own farms but there is nothing wrong with that right!? Milwaukee is great! WISCONSIN IS AWESOME BIATCHES!
"Hey thats a nice house! Love the subdivision! Lets move here in Wisconsin instead of just coming for vacation!"
by Kyleee July 15, 2006
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The state where girls drink shit beer better than guys from any other state can drink water...and where we somehow make money exporting the beer we think is too shitty to drink to poor college students in Boston...and then the Wisconsin girls go drink it there!
We drink like we're from Wisconsin, we talk like we're from Jersey, and we fuck like rabbits.
by Shannon December 17, 2003
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According to Family Guy Wisconsin is the the sanctuary of fat people which being a Wisconsinite I can say that is very very true.
"Lois, everyone has their sanctuary. The Catholics have churches, fat people have Wisconsin, and I have the Pawtucket Brewery."
- Peter in Wasted Talent
by Jokesterpants June 26, 2009
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The only place with good beer and people who know how to drink it. Contains hot girls and guys with beer bellys. Places to go... the Dells, the Lake, Summerfest, and Stallis (j/k)There's lots of trailer parks and lots of homeless drunks. People do know how to drive!!!!! The best damn cheese on this side of the Mississippi! Milwaukee is of course the best city, only to be followed by Mad-town where people get very drunk every day. The cops suck and they're everywhere. And if you're black or a drug addict they beat you or force you to do sexual acts...Read the Journal. Also home of the Guffs, only one of the greatest bands to play Summerfest every year. Alpine rocks. There's also good beer and good brats, but I don't like those. Everyone born and raised in Wisconsin knows how to a. drink a lot a pass out b. do a 1 min or longer keg stand c. tip cows d. fuck fatties. We also say "eh" and "der"
person 1 "hey what are you doing tonight?"
person 2 " I don't know I just picked up a case of miller"
person 1 " lets go get drunk and fuck"
few beers later
person 1 "we can go to dat der festival by the lake"
person 2 "lets hang out by the rocks and smoke pot, then we'll find some hotties to make out with"
person 1 "eh"
by Big (tall) BRIE May 29, 2005
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