lingo from Jersey city, New Jersey , which is another word for the female reproductive organ
My boy finally got some TUD from his crush
by adonis_524 October 20, 2023
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Totally Unnecessary Drinks. Used to refer to overpriced alcoholic beverages bought at a bar that you didn’t need or even want but bought anyway.
We went to Honky Tonk Central last night and bought so many TUDs dude, my credit card bill was ridiculous.
by Connor balldick December 11, 2021
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Tuds: Good cuddles the ones you need after a rough day.
Gf- “babe I had a bad day... can I have some tuds
by bellaandkaleb October 13, 2019
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The word Tudding derives form British-British-English pudding, a kind of food that can be either a dessert or a savory dish and tea (dinner).
In the act of tea for pudding (Tudding) the entrée and main meal are intentionally avoided.
Other synonyms for Tudding are tud, the tud, tuds. These words are most commonly used when one is having actually tea at tea time with their pudding (TnT)
"Oi Harry, will you be joinin" for some tea & tuds at mine?"
"Blimey Jeeves! Tudding today again? You're one unhealthy bastard innit?"
by Dr Hopscotchkins December 25, 2017
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The Urban Dictionary Game.
How you play:
You email/chat online a friend and use a lot of the words of the day on Then your friend has to search them and then use other words of the day as a response.
Joe: Hey dude, did you know Charlie and I were talking yesterday - total recap!

Amanda: "recap"? What's that?

Joe: Search it on ud! We're playing the Tud Game!

(5 minutes later)

Amanda: Yeah and did you know Charlie has stealth abs?

Joe: HUH?! (Joe goes on ud)

And you get it don't you?
by S.C !! March 21, 2010
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