Shit in a past tense. Or to defecate in past tense.
I only shat once since drinking that saltwater concoction
by Lozzerr May 29, 2013
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-the past-tense of shit

- fancy way of saying shit (an even more fancy word is shatith)

-the word "hat" but with an S in front of it
Rusty Cage: Dirty whore shat unto my lunch
Random Person: OHHH thats shit in the past tense
by April 19, 2022
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that past-tense of shit.

see shit
Honey, I just shat myself again.
by Anglinger September 5, 2004
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Term used when somebody is humiliated by you or another individual. Best used to scream at somebody real loud.
Teacher: Bob pay attention! Stop Sleeping in my class!

Bob's friend: Bob just got shat on!!!!
by J3SS3 April 24, 2006
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