1- Good looking, attractive, sexy

2- a word used by the human cretin harryBR to describe security guards and pretty much anything, god hes a cunt
1- "damn, hes peng"

2- *in an idiotic whiney bitch voice* "yo that security guards moving peng fam"
by hitlerdidgoodthingstoo August 28, 2019
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A person that is over good looking
E.G That boy is peng!!!!
by Rudeness August 8, 2005
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Very attractive. The most honest girl you’ll ever meet. She’s very good at doing her makeup and also has very interesting choices of fluids when preparing cereal. You should consider yourself lucky if you even get a chance with her. Even if your name is Peter. She also writes quality novels.
“Her beauty was so great that I knew she must be THE Peng, Violet Forte herself.”
by PengIsMyMommy January 17, 2018
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a word used in areas such as nottingham to descibe something as good. Can also be used to describe someone as good-looking. see also bum .
oh my god, that jacket is proper peng!
Yeh, i'd do him, he's well peng.
by georgiebabessxx March 14, 2008
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