A lunchtime game made famous by the show Scrubs. The first person to finish his steak is the winner of steak. Dr. Christopher Turk, surgical resident, is the reigning champion.
J.D. (after losing at steak and stuffing an Otis Spunkmeyer in his mouth): "I win at cookie."
by Joe shizzle January 17, 2005
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Meat. Fucking Meat. The Fucking Meat. The Best Fucking Meat. The Best Fucking Meat Ever. I love Steak. The last steak you ate was probably a cow's ass that had been burned. Steak is better than all of that cock a doodle shit. Who the fuck eats chicken? Bacon is ok, but burnt pig is not as good as burnt utter, I mean cow. Don't even get me started on fish. It smells like my grandma's ass after taking a shit. Bugs. Fuck bugs. People who eat bugs are Karens. They taste like shit because... well... they are. Steak may also be defined as... Nevermind. I don't know what to say so... Fuck. Shit. Karen. Cheese. Dick-Doodle. Cock-doodle minus the doodle.
I like having Steak... *licks lips*
by Mr. Not Gay Man March 3, 2020
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Steak. It's just steak but it's not just steak. It literally means steak but it's not just steak.
"I can't wait to eat steak with you"
by megathot December 15, 2019
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Verb: to flop/slap a body part or body flesh, like a raw steak flopping/slopping onto somebody else, in an inappropriate manner and place
Example 1:

Guy 1: Dude, that chick last night bit my dick.

Guy 2: Did you steak her?

Guy 1: Of course!

Example 2:

Guy 1: You know that chick Cindy?

Guy 2: Yeah?

Guy 1: She loves it when i steak on her!

Guy 2: That's awesome!

Example 3:

Guy : You have to steak that hoe!
by Ryzaa March 11, 2010
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A Person who is so skinny , you feel liek locking them in your basement and feeding them steaks so they gain weight
Yo that girl is so skinny shes steaks
by Anthonyj May 16, 2006
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Girl on a Marine base:
Look at all these steaks.
by Cousin pud April 14, 2017
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a slab of cut animal parts, more then likely cow or lamb meat from the rump or shoulders
"a quarter pounder steak"
"whats left of the biotch andrea once i get a switch"
by evil weevil of doom May 3, 2003
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