What you say after Simon asks you what "sima" is
"Hey sima whats up"
"Whats sima"
"Sima balls"
by bruh123124124124 October 15, 2019
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Sima leah is a hot girl with a nice body she loves to date people that names start with the letter s she stunning and will make the perfect baby mama she prob has ADHD oh ya she’s also hella funny
Bro I want to snatch that Sima leah

Sima leah is a hottie
by Tickets are for free December 12, 2021
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A next level threat to humanity basically a menace to everyone. How to spot him?
He is basically blonde 1.71 meters height or 5'7 feet weighs around 71 kg usually wears adidas lightmotion or airmax 90's

Runs very fast so you can hear the tutonic plates shifting while his massive petite body steps on the ground every second before seeing him sprint at you rethinf your life all you memories because you are either about to be dismembered alive by this monster or he will just play Yeat on his iphone 7 his enemies are usually named Emilis, and he doesnt support lgbtq propaganda, he is actually very homophobic did i mention he is basically a manipulative piece of shit? If u stand beetwen him and his goal you wont notice how he manipulates you into suicide.
John: Hey did you hear Simas Pužas joined our school?

Billy: pray on my mommas feet he a tsar level bomb threat to humanity u signed ur death certificate without picking up a pen
by Wheretheproblemat March 11, 2022
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Very likely to become the wife of someone called Haidar
Who is that pretty girl over there,
-oh that's Sima
by Shia Lepoof January 24, 2021
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Sima is a girl that when she finds someone, she'll stick to that someone for life. She cares for the ones she loves, and will do everything in their power for them to be safe. She is very able with a pickaxe, and her hair is the swaggest thing ever. Its hard to love a Sima when she dosent love you, but if you do loves you, than you're is for the best relationsip for your life.
"My girlfriend's Sima:3"
by Leeu January 4, 2022
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A really hot, smart, Clever girl. That is too good hearted and think about every person in her friend circle.
Sima is so hot....Sima is so beautiful!
by Goodgal4567 November 20, 2016
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