Doing a 70's disco dance move while deep in the ass of a fellow dancer
"Hey Derek, last night me and your mom did the poop shoot boogy"
by Scar420 September 10, 2006
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A person that lingers around a nieghborhood that you can rely on to do the dirty work that no one else will.
That guy Chris that cruises around here is a good poop shoot gahdoot.
by Eh teh July 24, 2017
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While fucking a girl doggy style, and you hit your climax, you pull out and nut in the but.
by Da Roc April 30, 2004
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The act of using a piece of bamboo as a butt plug
sally and i were role playing as panda bears so i gave her the old "Bamboo poop shoot".
by bullwagon13 December 27, 2016
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two male lovers who explore the unknown regions of each others anus with there wangs......also known as bufu buddies..
yo that kid from florida and raven are poop-shoot pirates, i saw them doing the nasty behind a tree during my lunch break.
by friend of friends March 24, 2003
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a term used for a guy who likes to e
nter the wrong hole whilst having sex!
anal sex giver!
Well i finally got that guy into bed. WOW what Suprise he's a "POOP SHOOT PIRATE"
by sammix July 28, 2008
1.the act of anal sex; Usally on a female.

2.a really stupid song.
1.Fred:I heard your girlfriend is having her period.
Bill:Yea, she'll only allow poop shoot buggies

2."That new song by Korn was a poop shoot buggie."
by JuanS. July 10, 2005
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