A sentence-enhancer for those plagued by Tourette's. Or that weird dude in the office that lurks around and jumps into conversations and needs a sure fire word to make his presence felt.

When you don't have a snare drum sprinkled with glitter - but you still want to look cool as shit, bust this bitch out.
Shamon, that was a crazy game last night!

...and I said, "not tonight honey, I'm tightening the bolts on my bike rack!" SHAMON!


Shamon, I was balls deep in that bitch. Shamon.
by Wzzrd Stck September 28, 2007
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A beautiful girl who doesn't think she is. She has beautiful blonde hair that she likes to straighten and has had many heartbreaks but she always gets back up again. A HUGE FAN of Billie Eilish. She also has eyes that change colour depending on her mood. She also likes to bite people!
Damn! That girl is curvy! She MUST be a Shamon!
by Cupcake fun time April 27, 2019
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Term used at the end of a sentence or on its own. Can be used loosely as a congratulations to someone, accolade, a “that’s right” comment, good job, razzing someone negatively or positively. Suitable replacement for terms such as ‘hell yeah’, ‘fuck yeah’. Almost always said with a sarcastic tone. Pronunciation is just like Michael Jackson’s pronunciation of the word. Pronunciation can be dragged out as well. Ex. ‘ Shaaamone!’ Can be used as a verb as well.

Submitted by JD Ellis - Denver, Colorado 7/3/2021
“I scored four phone numbers at the club last night..Shamone!”

“Hey bro, nice herpes sore, shamone! Told you not to hook up with her!”

“Shamone, bruh, you can do better than that.”

As a verb. “ I’m gonna shamone the shit out of this large pizza”

“Ghosted that stage five clinger..Shamone!”
by JD Denver July 3, 2021
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is when you're having sex with a woman, as you're about to climax you scream "SHAMONE" and jump on your tip toes like Michael Jackson.
Dude: Yo! Last night me and Sarah were Shamoning!
by Mister Yee September 24, 2020
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Slang used by black crazy assed mo-fo's
shamone, I'm the Mo Fo Man
by Daniel Smith June 18, 2004
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Official motto of the Tourettes Syndrome Foundation. A wide variety of merchandise is available from their gift shop with the phrase proudly emblazoned for all to enjoy.
Edith: Gosh, I wonder where Doris bought that delightful tea-cosy with "Shamone mother fucker" stitched on it? It's pure fooking class.
Betty: Gosh.
by Cobs July 19, 2003
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