When unsuspecting vandals collect hundreds of miniature goats, and secretly drop them off in a small town or village.
They look cute, but these goats are ruining my yard! It's a Pygmy goat plague!!!
by Skinkronson June 13, 2014
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A lil Niglet who has likely caught The Big Gay, often associate themselves with Deepwater Jews. Should be exterminated with extreme prejudice.
Frank: "Ayyy nigga pass the Pygmy Negro Man, he be looking fresh as fuck!"

Some faggot: "No man you Buggin' that's my Pygmy Negro Man!"

Frank: *Casts small your dick*

Some Faggot: *Being an intellectual counters with 'No u'*

Frank: *dies*
by The Last Nigga faggot April 20, 2018
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Slang term used to belittle and humiliate your opponent in a war of insults... often used as a trump card.
Your face looks like the afterbirth of a pygmy grudge fuck.
by Tonan the Librarian March 7, 2003
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John Semeraro
John Semeraro sure is a deep water pygmy jew
by Slumdogdillionaire October 4, 2017
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A tribe which is native to the forests of Congo.
The adult men of this tribe tend to average less than 152.4 cm (5'0). They also tend to have a small penis.
Look, a Pygmy boy is on the way to college.
He has a Pygmy penis.
by Bonganikhimachu January 23, 2023
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