When you see a group of two or more persons all with a ponch, it is classified as a ponch parade
Yesterday i went to Wendy's and i saw a Ponch Parade! It was gross!
by Corey Mann June 30, 2008
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The actual word that describes punching someone. Ponch can refer to fist too, only if it is about to punch
I am going to ponch you in faez
by Zachary F. September 18, 2003
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A synonym for the ass hole and surrounding areas.
by sithislord February 5, 2008
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A mechanic in a game called Rocket League, called the Kuxir Pinch, executed very poorly...
Person 1: "Yo, was that some kind of Kuxir Pinch?"
Person 2: "It was hella scuffed, more like a Fuxir Ponch."
by AlohaMelodies May 14, 2021
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The area of the stomach where an irregular amount of fat is stored. The area is not only carrying too much fat, but the fat is so abnormally differnet shaped that it flows over the pants/shorts etc. to form a sort of front muffin top.
David: Oh man look at the guys stomach! It's flowing out of the bottom of his shirt
Ben:Dude thats gross
David: No, thats a moncho-ponch!
by torpedolover December 30, 2011
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ponch is a lifestyle
ponch is letting god solve your problems

ponch is living in the moment
ponch is pure living
“guys I’m baree ponched
guys the ponch is real yoh
by _heelo_ May 22, 2022
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