Pisces is the 12th and last Zodiac sign we are very Emotional but kind people Very Intuitive and Sometimes we care a little bit too much about people which can cause That person to take advantage of us

Compatible with : Taurus,Capricorn,Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer
Julia: Hey Hailey What's my Zodiac sign if I was born March 12th

Hailey: your a Pisces ☺

Julia: Cool thanks for telling me
by @And_A_Dash_of_Ollie November 22, 2018
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The twelfth of the 12 zodiac signs, represented by the fish, running from February 20 to March 20.
by GuidoPosse69 February 26, 2005
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the bet of all the zodiac signs... includes thunderous lovemaking and are have high susceptibility to alcohol and drugs. ;-)
i am a pisces ;-) if u catch my drift
by maxine March 29, 2005
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Those people like me that always want to cry because life is a rollercoaster. We also love to paint and draw because we are artistic and all that jazz. We also like to be weird and laugh and we have a really odd sense of humour but oddly enough, it works.
That girl is crying, she’s definitely a Pisces.
I have a Pisces friend and they give me really good advice.
by crazynoodlehead December 14, 2019
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Dumb but smart. She is hilarious and gets much attention. Everyone likes her apparently. She can be rude when she wants to, and is beautiful.
“That Pisces is so dumb but so smart lol.”
by Heygirlsssssssss January 21, 2020
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pieces are one of the most loyal signs i love them sm.
new person; “hey do you know gabbie?”
me; “yeah, she’s the best person ever i love her. she’s a pisces.”
new person: “i think i’ll probably like her then”
by sc78 February 15, 2021
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A Pisces is an amazing, loving, empathetic, funny, and sensitive person. They have gone through a whole bunch of shit in their lifetime. They are always there for their friends but sometimes their friends are never there for them..They get sucked into the wrong crowd and get hurt by pieces of shit people. They get hurt and when they do, they think they deserve it. They tell everyone they are okay even when they aren’t. They usually keep to themselves. They enjoy helping people. They love traveling and going on adventures. They love spending time with friends but sadly don’t have a lot of friends (due to people being jealous or people treating them like shit). They are the type of person you would consider being easy to talk to and understanding. If you know a person who is a Pisces; tell them you love them. Realize all that they have done for you. Pisces usually get taken for granted. Pisces never fail to show they love you. Sometimes their friends fail to show they love them back...Pisces usually end up with depression and anxiety. Pisces care too much about what people think and it affects them in unhealthy ways. Pisces would do anything to be liked by people. If someone doesn’t like them they give off a bad bitch vibe like “i don’t care. they just jealous!” But in reality it hurts them to know someone doesn’t like them.
Person 1:Thank you for understanding me and listening to me! Your a pisces aren’t you?

Person 2: Hahah yes I am!

Person 1: I figured from how good you are with communicating with people! :)
by LOVE YOURSELF! :) March 5, 2021
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