A womanizing arsehole who thinks the sun shines out of his (less than impressive) knob.
Pete's Girlfriend: Who's your baby daddy?

Pete's Other Girlfriend: Pete, who's your baby daddy?

Pete's Girlfriend: ...Pete


Example 2.

Girl 1: Why do you look so angry, unhappy and sexually unsatisfied?

Girl 2: I'm going out with pete :(
by BlisterPlasterWoooah January 17, 2011
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a sweet, intelligent, and incredibly awesome Australian boy. His dorkiness is what makes him so adorable and his looks are that of a god, making him the hottess and most gorgeous person on the planet. Sometimes he drinks his water from a little pink cup because he is a badass like that. I guarantee that there is someone right now sitting in Scottsdale, AZ who is madly in love with him.
Damn, that kid is so hot, and to top it off he has an Australian accent. He must be a Pete!
by kidfromAZ November 21, 2010
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that kid pete that sits next to me in math is a rapist.
by iamlyingaboutmyname November 24, 2010
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To fart at the bar. It can be silent or loud, but almost always deadly.
Past Tense:

Person 1: That chick just bumped me and made me spill my drink.

Person 2: Don't worry, I peted on her earlier. She bumped me too and it just slipped out.
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a mixed drink consisting of: two parts orange juice; one part Disaronno Originale amaretto; and one part Crown Royal whisky
so, honey, what do you say we hit the bar and put away a pete or two?
by afghanistan38 November 6, 2009
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1) when someone comes to a new school and immediately starts wrapping all the girls and guys around his finger
1) omfg this guy is pete-ing all the chicks. He just stole my girlfriend!!!
by KDAWWWWGGGGGG August 26, 2010
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