Used in place of smilies such as =O, in smilie-lacking weblogs, such as LiveJournal. Denotes surprise, shock, or other similar emotions conveyed through a gaping mouth on a human being.
so i left after using my cell phone in class @ approx. 1:20 (o-face)
by Mike-W December 18, 2005
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When a girl seductively shapes her mouth like an "o" while eating to hint at a blow job
"She was handing out o-faces like they were candy"
by PartridgeBloom July 27, 2009
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A person who has an attractive face but everything else about their appearance is not appealing.
"Damn did you see that fat bitch?"
"Ya, she probably weighs 1000 lbs"
"True but she had a pretty face"
"Ya, but she's a fucking waste o' face!"

NOTE: A waste o' face is only good for head

Before you creep on a girl you find on myspace/facebook, check to see if all her pics are head shots...if so... you might be dealing with a waste o' face.

by Ryan Mannin May 30, 2008
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When one ejaculates on a girls face early, so he must go down on her to while her face looks like its covered in dough so she can get off too.
Bro did you bang Becky?
Yeah but I came too early so I had to give her the pillsbury O-Face
by Castansa March 29, 2017
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When you sneeze but you make a face that looks like you just had an orgasm
Did you see the sn-o face on that woman? She sneezed and it looked like she orgasmed at the same time....a sno face!
by Logan001 May 21, 2018
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When during the act of sex, one person is observed making a bizarre facial expression or expressions that make them appear to be mentally incapacitated, or at best, just looks silly.
Guy #1: So you hooked up with that girl last week? How is she in the sack?
Guy #2: Everything was good until she suddenly had this totally weird look on her face that stopped me cold/made me laugh
Guy #1: So she's got Retard O-Face?
Guy #2: Yep.
by J.Noble October 3, 2016
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the latest craze in france. two slices of bread with a pigs face between.
I ate that fillet-o-face with much delight
by jesus March 25, 2004
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