An idiot or fool. Often used to chastise someone
You numpty! You were meant to put the lid on first!
by E*** April 8, 2008
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Someone who has had a momentary lapse in judgement and done something ignorant or stupid.
Person A: leaves their car keys in the fridge when getting a glass of milk.
Person B: " why were your car keys in the fridge you numpty
by xXTikaXx January 9, 2007
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A knucklehead or other not-quite-so-smart person.
Scott: Ow, I just hit my head on the ceiling!
Katie: You numpty.
by Katie =) April 27, 2006
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paul the scaffolder from m/boro i work with
paul you numpty get up hear.
by lee10ant March 10, 2007
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In the kitchen, a 'numpty' refers to the person or persons who :

a) Leave empty boxes in fridges and storage areas
b) thaw chicken stock in hot water
c) use 9 different containers for the same product
d) dont have a clue of wtf is going on around them
"That new kid is a right numpty"

"have you seen the numpty who left this empty box in the freezer?"
by Phil Scarfone July 26, 2007
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computer illiterate people that really think the computer can think for itself, cook its own dinner and do the ironing, will have the ultimate answer to everything and doesnt need any numpty input.
The numpty always rings customer services because they can't find the "any" key!!!
by numpty dodger October 10, 2006
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noun, substantive; person who is a complete ass in every way
Joseph Sarandos, the moderator, user and subject of discussion at, is the chief of all numpties
by Larry Hagman October 8, 2003
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