To "Meany" is to type, spell or construct a sentence in such a way that the reader questions your grasp on the english language
"Oh man, I wrote so badly in that exam, I'm not sure if the teacher will be able to read it"

"How bad?"

"... Meany"

"... Oh shit"
by Superman dun da duuuun April 24, 2008
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someone who will pick on someone smaller than them. Or someone just because they are different.

hint hint u assholes that pick on dan heljenek
Those people are meanies because, they made fun of so-and-so for being dumb.
by stephanie heljenek March 30, 2005
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All the people that keeping rejecting my “gotta go check on the kids in my basement” jokes when I try to publish it >:(
Hey ur a meanie
And u too James
by Me Is Much Gud Doge June 22, 2020
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someone who is quite the asshole. that guy down the street that whenever u walk on his lawn he flips shit. the boss from "OFFICE SPACE"...mmmmkk
aww kyle, u asshole, ur such a meanie
mr lebron hates it when people walk on his lawn, such a meanie.
that guy from office space, i forget his name, yea he was a meanie!

member when u were in teh beatles?..ya that was awesome!...hey member the time u sang that song hey jude, ...yea that was awesome...--chris farley interviewing paul mccartney SNL style
by i love farley March 6, 2004
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It's a way to someone in a friendly way that what was done was a little mean. You find this word these days between friends who don't want to hurt other people feelings.
"You are such a meanie! "
"That was meanie!"
by faith angels July 15, 2015
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Someone who thinks more things mean other things than they actually do
My new co-worker is a real meany - hell, she thinks everything means everything.
by Frets & Such August 28, 2017
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