Lucian is someone who acts like an eleven year old. Watches YouTube videos of people playing fortnite while playing fortnite. Will start a meme page and hopes to get liked. He wont get liked then he will cry and start doing fortnite dances.
Did you see that kid he was playing fortnite while watching youtube
Yeah dude, dont you know that's Lucian
by Aleeeeed November 28, 2018
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It all starts after you've jacked off: you have put your pants back on, and are minding your own buisness when you get this cold slimy sensation/tingling down your left leg. Then you realize that your dick has just coughed up another drop of cum, and its slowly crawling down your legs. You start to limp, trying to make sure it doesn't stain your pants, while acting normal. You can't do anything. Your stuck. You've just become a victim of a leftover lucian.
Lucian N. gets three leftover lucians each day.
by Lucian Neville May 11, 2005
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When a girl pisses in your bum hole through a tube and you cum 699 times. Then your girl holds his dick and drinks the cum so noone has to clean it up
My girl toTALLY made me cum 699 times
BEST DIRTY LUCIAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by ShrekTheGod August 21, 2021
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someone who is more than a jerk, tends to think he's top notch, does stuff that is pretty brainless, thinks he is so much better than he really is, and is normally pretty good at ticking people off in an immature way.
damn man you’re such a Lucian.”
by hamburger5 April 23, 2022
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fucking looser gay ass bitch nobody likes lucian. lucians are fucking gay ass looser and annybody named lucian is a little bitch nobody.
did you see lucian? hes such a losser
by swaggyyyyyyyy October 13, 2022
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He will be your best friend. Always a cool dude. Will be totally honest with you.
Lucian is such a cool dude
My friend is such a Lucian

Lucian is my best friend
by Douitssothhvxkgjrsrjajraltdkd November 12, 2022
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