A person or animal name named after the princess Leia from star wars
My dog is named Leia
by Mr. Pepper October 7, 2019
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leia is a compassionate, young, dinky, fairylike girl with immensely petite figure. Although her height, her hourglass figure and thicc butt creates sexual tension and thus making thousands of suitors simp for her.

Leia has smooth model-like Stygian black hair. However, her hair length hasn't changed for years it seems like it didn't even grow or was she always wearing a wig?

Sometimes she gets questioned about her obsessions over older girls who has a nurturing disposition. I wouldn't be surprised if one day she starts to hit an old lady up.

She loves chocolate and especially infatuated with the brand Kit Kat.

She will go the extra mile for the people she likes. She once went up to her crush and said, "Feel my shirt. Know what it’s made of? Boyfriend material." or “I was feeling a little off today—but you’ve turned me on again!”
She's so hot and steamy! She must be a Leia!
by shy girl music teacher November 23, 2021
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A girl with an amazing smile, and the cutest hair i've ever seen. She's extreemly young, 'round about 12 years old, but she's probably still a goddess in bed. She gets confused easily and never understands long words...

It's also the act of placing ones testicals in/on someone's ear... just sayin'...
"Woah, Leia wouldn't be singleton for long if it was up to me!"
by I think she likes Oli Sykes. September 26, 2011
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The act of placing your testicles in or on someone's ears
Jeff passed out at the stag party on Friday and everyone there Leia'd him senseless.
by Archdukevin February 28, 2009
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very pretty girl, super sweet but can also be a dick if she has to be. she’s been through a lot but is thankful for the people in her life at the end of the day. a white/hispanic girl with amazing hips. she’s super outgoing and smart and can make you laugh whenever you need it. she’s one of the guys but can also get glammed up! creative and special is what leia is!
leia is so funny dude! she really cracks me up
by Amanda Reels November 21, 2021
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She is normally a girl with pale skin and dark hair. She likes to drink and have a good time. She gets annoyed when you bring up the past(like old boyfriends) she small with big boobs, not very smart. She flirts a lot too. Most likely to be pregent by 16. But she will always be there for you. She's a great person most of the time.
"Hey let's go get Leia she's fun the be with😉"
by Bobboy November 25, 2014
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She’s such a Leia
by Brendo08! March 8, 2021
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