kiara means to be intelligent,sexy,honest,and real always handles her business and doesnt like to be in girl drama but likes to listen to it always likes to be around boys and is a flirt and doesnt like when people is in her face people like to be around her and and enjoy being with her but doesnt want to be around her when she blows eighter but everyone who gets to know her loves her even if they dont like her
kiara's intelligent,sexy,honest,and real she loves guys and theyy love even the girls that are around her even if they dont like her they always love just like evrybody else
by kiara 108 :) May 29, 2010
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Kiara is a very cute and beautiful girl. She always make other people laugh when they are sad. When she smiles the world could be a better place. Such a loyal person. Her flavor is really great and she can be the best friend you have. Also she has a big good heart, she can't do anything that make others unhappy.
"Who is this girl ? " "Ohhh thats kiara i'm so jealous, because she's so perfect."
by Alynemkbs January 2, 2017
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Most savagest young lady you can ever meet.
f the teachers and school is what Kiara would say.
by 123456789009876543212345678987 November 6, 2017
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One of the sweetest people alive who love their friends and always try to make them feel loved. She doesn’t have enough self confidence in herself even though she is drop dead gorgeous, kind, and hilarious. She stands up for her friends and is very inclusive and sweet. You seriously won’t find anyone more beautiful and kind to their friends then her.
Kiara gives marin hugs every day

Marin loves hugging Kiara
by Thisisforyougirl October 30, 2018
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An individual who can be described quite easily as 'Amazingly-Indescribabley-Wonderful.'

A Kiara is usually quite stunning and has many positive attributes such as personality, humour, kindness and last but not least humanitarian attributes as she is constantly caring and looking after others without asking for much in return.
She is Perfect; She is Kiara.
by Jbot349 December 20, 2010
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Kiara is a very nice, caring, kind and, cute. She is a person who will give the shirt to anyone who will need it. She as a very big butt and nice sized boobs with a plus she also has a great body shape. Kiara doesn't understand why people don't like her, she thinks it's because they are jealousof her.
Boy: Hey, Kiara will you date me?
Kiara: Sure
by The real one 14 August 3, 2018
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The most amazing girl you will ever meet! Kind, caring and sweet, smart and understanding! She is beautiful on the inside and out, and is never shallow. She's a girl that just makes you smile without even trying, and with an amazing smile herself. She makes you feel the best you've ever felt with anyone, and she's one that you don't let go. Kiara is just the perfect girl!
Friend 1: Oh you're dating a kiara?
Friend 2: yeah :D
Friend 1: dude, you're so lucky!
by nathhh31 May 13, 2012
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