The 'gangsta' that thinks he's black and is married to a fat cow also known as Britney Spears. He also makes 'music'.
K-Fed is pumping his 'ho' fine.
by Yourmom (who ever she is..) November 12, 2006
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Impregnating a drunk celebrity soley to gain wealth.
Yea dude, Lindsey Lohan was so drunk last night, i wanted to k-fed her.
by James2 May 6, 2007
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A stream of water, often containing medicinal or cleansing agents, that is applied to a body part or cavity for hygienic or therapeutic purposes.
I need to use this K Fed to clean my vagina.
by St. Joshy November 9, 2006
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A golddigger.

And every man in the world would do the exact same thing.
I am jealous of k-fed.
by HOlmzezz January 19, 2007
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Pop culture's nickname for aspiring performer Kevin Federline, husband of Brittany Spears.
Yo dawg, catch the K Fed on MTV last night?
by Johnnners September 1, 2006
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I've been K fed all my life and look at me now!

You drive. I think there's something wrong with me.
by negative.koncept December 11, 2008
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The fucking man. Lyrical Genius. Plays bitches. These are a few of the many ways to describe K-Fed. Though many people view him of a white trash loser, they're just simply jealous of how amazingly awesome K-Fed truly is.
Hey did you hear about that guy who married Britney Spears, got her pregnant, and then took a ton of her money after the divorce?
Yeah, K-Fed is the fucking man.
by Jhall January 22, 2007
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