To upset, disturb or disarrange in some way.
Well, jigger me giblets n stab me vitals... I never knew that!
by FurrTrap December 18, 2010
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you idiots...a jigger is not a Jew trying to ACT is a black person who is a Jew, like Sammy Davis Jr.
That damn jigger, he's so cheep he doesn't even pay for shit.
by Steve yafukinidiot January 5, 2008
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A door, hatch, or other form of opening from one room to another or to a loft or cellar.
This jigger is locked. Who's got the key?
by Kev in hants August 29, 2006
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1. (v.) To break in (as into the White House) with a crow bar, jimmying the door, etc., as Barack Obama, or into own's own home, as Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

2. (n.) A jiggerboo (jiggaboo, jigga) - a black person.
"If I was trying to jigger my way in... well, I guess this is my house now, so..."

"Ha, ha! Barack, you're sooo funny!"

"Yeah, well, around here, I'd get shot."

"Did you see that jigger across the street trying to break into our neighbor's house?"

"Nah, that's just Harry Gates."
by jigga99 July 23, 2009
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1) A black gangsta kid who surprisingly happens to be Jewish.

2) A mysteriously Jewish black person.
1) Jacob: "Dude, Tyrone is such a jigger!" Abel:"Tyronne is Jewish?"

2) Abel: "Wait... so Peter Wang's mom is black, and his Dad is Chinese? How did he end up Jewish?" Jacob: "I don't get it either"
by Ben Phelps October 26, 2005
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M-W for balance.
*interesting use for UK (above)

Main Entry: 1jig·ger
Pronunciation: 'ji-g&r
Function: noun
Date: 1675
1 : one that jigs or operates a jig
2 : any of several sails
3 : JIG 3a
4 a (1) : a mechanical device usually with a jerky reciprocating motion (2) : a mold or a machine incorporating a revolving mold on which ceramic items (as plates) are formed b : GADGET, DOODAD
5 : a measure used in mixing drinks that usually holds 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 milliliters)


3 entries found for jigger.
To select an entry, click on it.

Main Entry: 2jigger
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from Wolof jiga insect
Date: 1781


Main Entry: 3jigger
Function: verb
Etymology: frequentative of 2jig
Date: 1867
intransitive senses : to jerk up and down
transitive senses : to alter or rearrange especially by manipulating <jigger an election district>
The bartenders in Vegas don't use a jigger-- they just push a button and hold out their hands for some help.
by Nco November 24, 2003
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A black jewish person they are very rare if you find one i recomend taking a picture and calling up the newspaper.
The jigger just commited murder and then stole their change which was stupid cause they only had a penny.
by petunia68 May 13, 2009
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