A movie rating system based on the number of times the sexy main character takes off his shirt. Especially a movie with Hugh Jackman in it.
That movie has a 5 rating on the jackman rating scale.
by scottishredhead March 15, 2007
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Said, as an act of comparison, when you point at somebody's body because it can compete with the best one Hugh Jackman had
MAN: "DUDE!!! You're Huge Jackman"
DUDE: "Thanks Man"
by jbogdan April 6, 2016
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pop culture reference; of or relating to something very large; a spoof of "huge ass".
Tool1: Hey man look at that Hugh Jackman chick over there!

Tool2: Haha yea, someone needs to lay off the curly fries!
by Shanelskies February 14, 2009
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A really Fat guy that is white but acts like he is a black gangster
He is a DJ Jackman. We should beat up that DJ Jackman.
by Alex Primeaux October 2, 2004
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Its when you're getting jerked off by either man or woman (your choosing) between your legs from down under reverse grip style.
Bro 1 "one night i was taking a piss and my homie hooks me up with The Hugh Jackman"

Bro 2 "damn dogg that's a real friend"

Bro 1 "fo sho"

Bro 2 "skype me his name"

by Dino Da Hajidogg October 18, 2011
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What is a chloe jackman? A chloe jack man is a very rude and disgusting girl who is a massive slag and loves cock in her mouth ears nose bum and fanny please don’t go near chloe clapman or YOU WILL GET AIDS BEWARE chloe clap man is a slagggg
Chloe jackman is a slag
by Asdgahajskdmdmdm October 26, 2019
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