Izabella is a great friend and an overall amazing person, she’s always there to help you when you’re down and is never selfish. Even if she doesn’t have much at the time she will never hesitate to help you. She seems very loud and rude at first, but she is really not like that. Once you warm up to her you will see that she has a soft side and is really kind and caring.
P1: Whos that?

P2: That’s Izabella.
by chispass January 11, 2021
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If a girl is named Izabella she is the biggest capper the world has ever seen.
Why are you lying so much? is a sentence used a lot by Izabella's
by Noldus1117 April 11, 2020
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A girl who thinks she's top Shit, she secretly flirts with all the boys she can then doggs them by friend zoning them.
Look at Izabella she thinks she's top shi
by Cairns boii July 3, 2018
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A smart girl with usaully brown hair, kind of shy, yet energetic ,.She can be trusted!She is cool!
Boy''that girl is perfectother boy''thats Izabella''!
by izzybooboo February 5, 2012
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Literally the cutest human being ever. No if’s an’s or but’s...
Wow, look at Izabella (Bella) today, looking beautiful as usual and always the cutest.
by SomeGuy1234321 March 10, 2019
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Izabella longs are a sweet and kind person. They always cares for people who are hurt and need a friend. Usually they smile at everything and are never rude to others. They are usually very smart and sensitive. They are very positive and love no matter what! Btw they are sexy as hell so dont give them up!
Honestly can i have an izabella long in my life?
by Joseph330 February 15, 2016
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izabella king is the most perfect girl of them all she is great to be around she is perfectism
izzy is perfect

i know right

izabella king is perfect
by yallsgapeditinnit March 15, 2022
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