proceeding having sex with a virgin (popping the "cherry"), one then commmits the ultimate act of spreading the vagina with some kind of gynacologic device or hands if possible, and defecates directly in the gaping hole.
That virgin did so well her first time, I had to open her up and reward her with a hot fudge sundae.
by nun ya bitness August 21, 2006
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A sexual position in which a man shits on somones chest then blows a quite large white creamy substance known as cum on top of the recently planted poop. Next to the man there happens to be a jar of fresh picked cherries in which he uses to place a cherry on the top. Now the man can decide whether to feed it to her with a spoon or with his penis.
Im hungry, I could go for a hot fudge sundae.
by Da Sak September 8, 2006
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The act of one man or one woman pooping in a bowl and a man ejaculating on the shit, giving it the appearance of a reverse hot fudge sundae, to be eaten and enjoyed by 2 lovers.
After a romantic dinner and a night on the town with Ramone, Sandy decides she want something special for desert, a reverse hot fudge sundae. They kiss, remove their clothes, and both dump in a bowl. They kiss some more, while Ramone masturbates and cums all over the excrement. They laugh, they cry, they eat it all up. Then they kiss and make love. Reverse Hot Fudge Sundae, a night of lust and enchantment!
by Sundae Maker December 25, 2011
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When you have explosive diarrhea all over someone’s chest and then you proceed to top said chest with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, and chopped almonds. You then put a bib on and proceed to say “let’s dig in!” As you ravenously dig in to this scrumptious dessert you have created.
by Bob statutory January 18, 2021
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when you're doing anal and you cum in her ass at the same time that she has explosive diarrhea. You also took too much viagra and at this moment your dick explodes, leading you covered in cum, shit, and blood.
Guy 1: hey man, im thinking we go to the movies this weekend! Just you, me, and Shawn.
Guy 2: Dude, didn't you hear? Shawn can't go; he's in the ER after his one night stand resulted in a hot fudge sundae with a cherry on top.
by catnoirfanclub March 3, 2021
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when a black girl has a threesome with two white dudes. The two white guys represent the vanilla, of which there is more of, in a hot fudge sundae
did you hear that girl over there was involved in a hot fudge sundae?
by MJ McCully June 11, 2020
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To defecate warm diarrhea on a male's testicles.
Hey baby, you wanna give me that hot-fudge sundae I love so much.

Hmm, I could do with a hot-fudge sundae right about now.

Hot-fudge sundaes give me tingles all up my asshole.
by Cheeckybuttlove June 9, 2019
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