A fuck so good, even Jesus appreciates that shit.
a form of extreme disgust or disapproval.
gf - holy fuck that was good.
bf - yup
gf- holy fuck, youre an idiot.
bf - stfu i didnt mean to
by batmanislove666 April 1, 2015
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When Dean Winchester fucks Castiel, because Castiel is an angel and Dean is his dominant.
Sam Winchester: "So I guess you and Cass got some action last night, huh?"
Dean Winchester: "I holy fucked him."
by official-castiel-winchester November 4, 2017
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its when you have sex inna church
"i fucked this nunn in a church"

"woah man"

"yeah, i called it the 'holy fuck' "
by tox May 20, 2003
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Sexual intercourse that takes place on holy grounds. This includes chaples, churches, pews in your church, graveyards, and graves etc.
"Man, it was a holy fuck" "religious prostitute"
by Raspberry Blondie June 17, 2015
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boy: hey meet meet me at the church at 1

girl: why?
boy: because i’m going to holy fuck the shit out of you
by your left testicle October 16, 2019
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To fuck without commiting a sin.Bending to the right instead of the left confuses God and there for does not accuse of abbusing adult activities...Sex!
holy fuck that boy this time you disgusting horny retard.
by jackass11 March 22, 2008
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n. according to teh bible, what the vergin mary did to get jesus
"how did it get there, then? was it some sort of holy fuck?"
by Qnaalor G. September 19, 2004
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