The 4-hour period of time that you cannot drive or function in society due to playing Grand Theft Auto. You may have the intention to steal a car, kill innocent people, and/or drive recklessly.
Girl: Hey you wanna come pick me up so we can go to the movies?

Guy: Aww, I wish but I have grand theft impairment, I can come later though.
by andytheslash January 24, 2010
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The season after city girl/boy summer; Grand Theft Autumn. Grand Theft Autumn when you run far and wide from relationships and graft who you want.
It’s grand theft autumn, I don’t care about anyone else’s feelings
by spunkatron800 September 6, 2019
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When two guys are hanging out and one pretends to fall asleep and the other guy starts jerking off, the guy pretending to sleep reaches over and finishes the job. "You stole my jerk!" Is a common phrase to say after being Grand Theft Jerked.
"This guy fucked my wife, so I Grand Theft Jerked him."
by 2chainzrules24 May 19, 2015
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A really good videogame series (refering to GTA3 and all successors) that throws you into a parody of some major US city where you make a shitload of money by stealing, drug-dealing, shooting-up rival gangs and preforming various other errands for criminals, gangs, and other scumbags, and then just wreak havok or screw a hooker in your spare time. Plagued (along with every other videogame in history) by a fanbase that consists primarily of hyperactive, crack-addicted 12-year-old boys who couldn't pass a 1st grade spelling-bee if their lives depended on it. Yeah, you all know who you are. The majority of the game's "mature" players must not frequent Internet forums that often.

Oh, and this series also seems to routinely get blamed for the idiotic actions of a few Rednecks and urban white trash by gun control freaks and suburban pussies who want to punish everyone in the world for the misdeeds of a few dozen morons.
GTA is really good stress therapy if you have to drive 40 miles through some of the shittiest traffic in your region to get to work each day.
by Mob_Triggerman October 5, 2004
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A game that is kinda like Grand Theft Auto, but instead takes place in an Amish country area, using their methods of hijacking, such as picthforks and butter churns
He just grand theft buggy me with his sawed off shotgun!
by Mr. President Jack January 31, 2007
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