A pig that contributes to climate change because of it's lifestyle.
Oh god look at the Global Warming Pig!
by bismouth May 18, 2010
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Deniers are phsychologically flawed individuals who actively deny the mainstream scientific viewpoint that the earth is warming due to the release of CO2 by the burning of fossil fuels. While 97% of climate scientists are in agreement and the evidence collected by use of the scientific method is indisputable, these people deny the reality through
confirmation bias reinforced by well funded oil company propaganda and disinformation. Social dominance orientation, system justification, and identity protective cognition define the denier. These are character traits that reinforce white male hegemony over the environment and reinforce social hierarchies, and are common in a strict father worldview where the children never learn to think for themselves. The pedagogy of the strict father is belief over facts, with a powerful “head” of the family, much like in a dictatorship where there is only one leader in charge. Denialism is also closely linked to hate groups, Golf, Nascar, country music, religious zealots, and much of middle America who have been brainwashed by AM radio, essentially using our public airwaves for free, to protect the profits of companies whose pollution could potentially end most of humankind. And the pope agrees.
Science is bigly scary therefor I vote republican and am a global warming denier dumbass toxic masculinity murica trumpism rolling coal
by blixdick September 13, 2017
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Global warming caused by the activities of humans.
The anthropogenic global warming of the Earth is mainly from all the carbon dioxide and methane gas released in developed countries.
by Tibriel August 25, 2017
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An observed increase in the global average temperatures; especially an increase in temperature sufficient to cause climate change
Global warming, contrary to popular belief will have few negative effects such as sea level rise, heavier rainfall and more erratic weather patterns, humanity will still likely be able to adapt and a warmer climate in of itself will not be the end of the world
by Weathercaster1021 March 14, 2021
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A fart so heat-filled that it measurably contributes to the temperature of the planet.
Save the environment! Cut down on the burritos so you don't make a global warming fart. But really, cow farts contribute to global warming all the time.
by Brjtlc June 16, 2010
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A media hyped bandwagon to fill 24 hour news channels when nothing else is happening. A convieniant cause of all weather extremes, and an excuse for more taxes on anything and everything.
Look it's snowing more than usual this year - must be a global warming crisis.

It's the warmest winter in years - must be global warming.

Let's stick another 3p on a litre of petrol - to cut emissions you understand as you can't afford to drive anywhere anymore.
by Psychosplodge February 17, 2010
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