1- Someone who is a psycho and performs lots of unusual sexual acts.

2- Fucked up in the head person. More disapproving than mezzed (messed up) in the head.

1- Jessica, ain't you going well with Jason? No, It turns out he is a sick bastard, who wants me to use different and weird sexual acts in bed every time we go to bed!

2- Hey, Watch out fuckhead...you should go back to driving school and learn how to drive all over again.

by M. Schnyder August 26, 2007
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why did you do that? you're such a fuckhead
by Anonymous October 18, 2002
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a fuckhead is one who is a complete douche bag and possibly a fake druggie. They want to fit in by doing drugs with the cool kids at school, often marijuana, formerly known as weed, and they end up getting addicted and lose all friends. It is funny to see one of these people and kick them in the teeth.
Bill: hey wanna get a bag?
Mike: no dude im not fuckin addicted ill smoke when i want to
Bill:ok but i need some dude im shakin from not havin any
Mike: Wow your a fuckhead dude
by dek31594 April 8, 2010
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A person that is angry at the whole world for their misfortunes.
Man, that guy was a real fuckhead.
by Dr. Jefe February 10, 2010
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What my dad calls me all the time
a "screwup"
Theo, come over here you fuckhead!
by Theo January 15, 2004
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Ty and Bill were so fuckheaded that they could not get the offense to work.
by DJL737 December 28, 2005
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also known as XFA CodeError
"Code is a fuckhead"
-source unknown
by Mr Smartass October 18, 2004
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