A fuckboy is typically someone who leads you on (possibly for months) claiming they just "can't do relationships". They tell you everything you want to hear, but never mean any of it. They use anyone and everyone they can( not caring about anyone's feelings) , but theirs and their dicks. They pretend to be nice, but everyone knows they really aren't and most people find them highly annoying.
Wow, that Josh character is such a fuckboy, he uses girls and says he loves them when in reality he doesn't!
by catlover98 January 19, 2015
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A boy that treats girls like shit. Even if they thought they loved him. At first he will compliment you and say your cute. He will text you a lot on social media, when he has you he will write you letters on how much he loves you and likes you. And then you like him and he doesn't really love you like he says he does. He usually is attractive and breaks girls hearts for fun, but in the end those poor girls are crying while he's heading for the next victim. And you never talk to him again.
Girl) *looking on Facebook at her "boyfriends" account and notices he shared a post that said "share of you're crushing." Then she noticed he tagged a different girl besides her. "He's such a Fuckboy." She cries.
by Catlover032603 January 5, 2016
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Boy who is a player, flirty and knows how to get you but then does the same with every other girl
A fuckboy wears nike socks with anything and will hookup with you and then never respond.
Common phrases:
"I'm not like other guys"
"Want to play the question game?"
"How far have you gone?"
"What would we do if we hungout right now?"
"Are you a virgin?"
"You're showering without me?! ;)"
by Average girlknowswhatsup January 3, 2015
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A complete perverted, disgusting, mindless douchebag boy that wants nothing but sex with you. Fuckboys are usually spotted with their extremely obvious emojis on social media sites. They appear on girl's selfies, and if spotted, should be blocked and reported immediately. In real life, these jackasses are nothing but losers that have nothing at all to do with their life. Commonly known for their trait of wearing khakis and Nike sandals.
Taren: "Cristina, there's a fuckboy on my selfie!"
Cristiana: "Block him!"
Taren: I don't know what that thing is, but i will find it. And I will kill it.
by phoenix_wrong2014 January 15, 2015
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An asshole, who doesn't care that he's an asshole.
by The Carnival March 20, 2015
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A fuckboy is a boy that will text you and be sweet and then start to hunt for nudes and other sexual things and then when you ask them want is going on between you all he will say "I don't want a relationship" or "I was just looking to have fun". There are also different types of fuckboys such as the open fuckboy, he is openly a fuck boy and proud, then there is the virgin fuckboy, he tends to stick to nudes and blowjobs because of religious and/or spiritual beliefs, then there is the silent fuckboy, he is the worst, the asshole of fuckboys. He will be so sweet and kind and will start a relationship with you, then after a few month his true colors will show. You'll find out he was cheating the entire time and you were the only one he was saying sweet things to :)))
How to spot a fuckboy:
99.9% of the people he follows on Instagram are girls he has never met
•he prefers snapchatting over texting/having a conversation

•plays a douchebag sport such as football or basketball

•all of his other guy friends are fuckboys

•he has 20 girls commenting on his Instagram pics
•he likes 5,000 girls pictures on Instagram
by corn of the cob September 14, 2015
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A man who pretends to be the type of valuable male commodity who rightfully earns female commitment—until the woman discovers that he’s just a cheap imitation of a “good boy” who is good only for mindless sex, not relationships or respect.

If men are products, then fuckboys are cheap goods. More than that, they’re knockoffs: low-quality merchandise that attempts to masquerade as luxury items.

They generally dress in cheap clothing, try to act like they're better than they really are, or think they're not trashy but high class when they're nothing close to classy. They demand respect, money, gifts, dates but do nothing to deserve any of it because they have no self-respect, no manners, low self esteem, little education and on top of all that are slutty because they have no self worth.
Quit that high class act, man. You’re a fuckboy.
by acebutch March 17, 2020
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