
Elyse, her eyes like the ocean, don’t look too deep or you’ll drown.

Her hair golden, like a thrown on which she sits on.

Her laugh, contagious like a cold.

Her smile, a definition can’t define.

Her words, something you’ll always remember.

If you ever meet an Elyse, you’ll never forget her.....
This is Elyse
by Asexualbro September 8, 2018
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A one of a kind woman. Enchanting, funny, caring, crazy and the best thing since spaghetti. An Elyse has a big heart and a sassy soul
I really love my Elyse , we are much more than anything normal, our best moments are laughing together , if you find an Elyse never let her go.
by Redswift February 27, 2021
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This girl is very nice but can be very loud and sociable but can be very anxious at times. She is probably part of the LGBTQ+ community even if she doesn’t know it yet. She has most likely died her hair and wherever you are, you will always hear her yelling UR MOM!
You: Who is that crackhead over there?
Friend: Oh, that’s Elyse, she’s actually really nice if you get to know her.
You (to Elyse): What are you doing?
Elyse: UR MOM!!!
by mylifeisruined November 23, 2021
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Elyse Silva? Oh her, that snake
by VenadoOpinions August 19, 2017
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That fucking piece of shit who keeps calling you a sped
Guy 1:Hey have you seen Elyse

Guy 2:yeah that fucking piece of shit

Guy 1: yeah her
by I will inhail you March 20, 2020
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Elyse is a doodoo girl who usually calls you hoe. She is a big POOP and tried to drop kick my band once. Very mean and DOODOOOOOO
Person 1: Did you see Elyse?
Person 2: Yeah she’s such a DOODOOOOOO
by Shdhshshhs January 31, 2022
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1) a crazy, inappropriate girl
2) someone who is well known for being a dirty tramp

3) likes to go by the name sugar tits
Person 1: "did you hear about Elyse?"
Person 2: "yeah, what a trampy thing to do. It doesn't surprise me though she is so crazy!"
by Kate, Emma, Kelsie, Micah July 13, 2014
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