Fucked in the head - psychologically
Omg, you belong in a phych hospital, you are so effy.
by ThatOneWithProblems December 19, 2021
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Did you take your effie (FV) , because I'm horny and I think you should go cowgirl.
by manshark June 6, 2015
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An amazing character from the series; "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins that picks the names for the people to be entered as "tributes" in The Hunger Games.
Aside from being that character in the book, she is played in the upcoming movie by Elizabeth Banks.
However, you should probably only pay attention to THIS DESCRIPTION...
Effie Trinket is a flashy, colorful, mildy entertaining freak-o in the book who is overly eccentric and scares people while haunting their dreams...
She may or may not want your soul.
Example #1:

Bob: "Dude, Effie Trinket haunts my dreams."

Bob's Mom: "Go drink some more cough medicine, sweetheart."

Example #2:

Katniss: "Don't worry Prim, it's your first year, you're not gonna get picked."

Effie Trinket: "Challenge accepted. Primrose Everdeen!"

Katniss: "You b@#$!! Crap I guess I will volunteer as tribute."

Peeta: "Anyone want some bread?"

Effie Trinket: "Fine, Peeta too."
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A what the fuck moment, At best getting pictures of a ugly naked girl.
by ha69 November 22, 2010
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“it” girl from skins . lots of people want to be her, these people r normally pick me cunts.
Effie wanna be : “ sometimes i think i was born backwards…”
normal person:" omg what an effie stonem cunt”
by tildaisatwat October 21, 2021
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When a chick goes camping and gets so drunk, she ends up loosing her shoes, pissing on any tent around and/or throwing up in inconvenient places.
She is known for waking up in randoms tents and makes a great canvas for the obligatory (drawn on face) penises.
(Jeff) "Yo Josh, your misses looks great with all the dicks drawn on her face this morning"

(Josh) " yeah, she was so wasted lastnight, she hit "Dirty Effy" mode before 8pm, was out cold by 10pm after pissin on my tent, so i went Picasso on her"
by Scarey Poppins August 23, 2019
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putting two fingers in someone's mum's fanny.
"what are you doing to my mum??"

"just pulling an effie, piss off cunt."
by kittyboyhhj November 19, 2020
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