The typical popped collar, puka shell necklace wearing, iroc driving, bleach tipped hair rulers of the jockocracy that was high school in the late 90s/ early 2000s. They thought Enema of the State was the best album ever and Paris Hilton was hot. Now have giant beards, wear skinny jeans, sell insurance and long for the days when they were cool enough to dump pigs blood on Carrie at the prom.
31 year old woman “Do you still think Chris Evans is hot?”

32 year old woman “Yeah, but he’s kinda an Aging Dude Bro.”
by ElegantlyWasted February 22, 2019
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A squad of dorky teens that are cooler than you.
Guy: Did you hear about the dude bro squad?
Girl: Yeah man, they're squad goals
by The Trash Overlord March 4, 2015
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A dude that works out for girls, fag accesories, brags about special size, styled hair, sports, yells "skate or die" at skateboarders, etc. etc.
Look at that dude bro/ brah going into Hollister. What a faggot.

by Matt Frentel June 23, 2007
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YDBH-Yo Dude Bro Hella

When any of the four words can be said,you must say them all.
"wanna grab some grub?"

"yo dude bro hella grab some grub"
by Cat food ice cream March 24, 2010
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Dude Bro Yeah is a "code phrase" for a combination of any two girls that you like, or think is very attractive. For example "Dude" being the face, and "Bro" being the body. and "yeah" just meaning "damn son ;)"
Me:Hey Evan!! Whos your Dude Bro Yeah?
by Chicago Ted 26 May 11, 2011
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It's a phrase similar to calling someone a dude. But this is way cooler.
"Sup dude macha bro?", "What are you upto dude macha bro?", "Sweet as! Dude macha bro"
by firelord19 October 15, 2020
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