A woman’s menses, consisting of blood and cellular debris from her vagina leaked into the water whilst swimming.
Sally you've left some chum in the pool
by Phoenixleo July 23, 2018
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Pronunciation: \ˈchəm\
Function: Verb

1. A female having her menstrual cycle in water.
While on a boating trip, Sara chummed the water to feed the whales.
by golof March 16, 2010
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(adj) - Ch-U-M 1)meaning of avoidance and secrecy 2) to put yourself in a state of away to avoid interaction or shared enjoyment
Today he Chummed away in the game, making new characters and not giving names, so he wouldn't have to talk to anyone.
by anothermiss January 19, 2013
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The act of dragging one's naked arse accross a floor using only one's arms to move forward. Much like a dog does when it has worms
I did a bit of chumming on Rick's floor last night, picked up a few splinters along the way.
by NB1 June 14, 2007
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Did you see that chum chums finishing out the whole buffet????
by YOLOOOOOO!!!! April 11, 2012
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chum is chunky cum.
Matt just blew a load of chum in my mouth and I swallowed it all!
by eda-skip December 10, 2021
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Leftover fecal after a partial toilet flush.
Fecal left in a toilet for the purpose of grossing out the next user, generally in a public facility or done due to lack of home training.
"That nasty bastard chummed the toilet"

"Nothing worse than walking into the bathroom and seeing toilet chum!"
by Joe Max May 23, 2010
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