anyone wearing a popped collar, also anyone that would rather go to the gym than fuck a fairly attactive 20 year old chick
man that guy loren is a choch
by hella cogswella May 12, 2008
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To be a certain way, or look a certain way. If you were to wear a nice shirt with sweat pants. You would be a choch. If you were to act like a choch, you would be very hyper/weird/awkward... All at the same time. Or if you face looked ratchet, and or not as cute as usual. You would be conciderd a choch.
Ex1: your such a choch, like wtf are you wearing.
Ex2: im bouta head to the store lookin all choch.
Ex3: wth is wrong with my face , I'm such a choch.
by yassstinitia June 19, 2017
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A person with high-self esteem, but, lacks in all departments. Usually seen annoying everyone, and failing to admit his douchiness. Has perfectly parted hair, and stubble.

Common Choch names: Randal, Johnathyn, Calloway.
Man Johnathyn is such a Choch!
by MDCS February 4, 2016
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a boy who thinks he's the shit; a piece of clothing that is a waste of fabric, time, and manufacturing expenses; any boy who lives in lincoln tower floor 20
that boy is a choch; that shirt is really chochy; KEEP OUT of our underwear drawers you choches!
by Tizzle May 6, 2004
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the crotch or vagina of a female. It is a very privite part. Used to wizzle out of! becareful wiht it!
by vagina November 14, 2003
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A woman's naughty bits. Used in rough conversation.
Pam's choch has bees coming out of it.
"Woah, check out that choch!"
"My choch is bleeding."
by Senor Asspants May 8, 2005
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Everyone in apt. 264 is a choch!!! urs truly apts. 198 & 207!!!
by magoos to the 3rd power! August 27, 2003
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