Cedric is the most amazing person someone could ever meet. He's so sweet and thoughtful. He's precious, funny, so handsome! But sometimes, he can be so stubborn... He opens himself to the people that he trusts and/or loves. Ced never takes for granted the people he loves. He is and always be there for you. Before you know it, he's already a big part of your life. He's a best friend, a brother, a crush, the one that you'll never forget :)
Cedric is understanding.
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Cedric is a person who is athletic and likes to play soccer a lot. He is very lazy in school but gets everything done. He acts extremely gay around his friends but like a stranger around other people. He has a huge cock and is sexy. Don’t get on his bad side because if you do you will regret it when his fist connects with your jaw. He is a great friend and loves to eat.
by hanime April 23, 2021
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Pretty cool guy, loves to hang with girls

Clingy asf.
Julie: Oh dam did you see cedric
Randy: no girl he clingy he will buy you vans
by Homemadeaid October 17, 2017
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CEDRIC is the greatest friend you could ever ask for. He's really shy but when you get to know him he can be the goofiest person ever ! He will be always there to make you laugh. He will always make decisions and regret it after but trust me he's the best. He's attractive but he thinks that he's not. He loves listening to music and he loves to be alone. He has a lot of friends who will always be there for him but he doesn't notice it. We can say that Cedric is not a perfect person but he's the best.
dang Cedric !
by lolololsecretpersonXD _ January 25, 2022
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Cedric is usually a nice guy but loves to act dumb with his girlfriend... Cedric always likes to talk shit but when you see him, he doesn’t do anything. Cedrics girlfriend is the most loving and caring in the relationship. Cedric is a fucking head ass, neck ass, and more. He loves to play his game even though he is ass at it. He loves to tell his gf shut up, that’s why he is mad cause he has a flat ass.
“Cedric lookin mighty flat ova there”
“Aye Cedric wanna get fucked by the dog again... doggy style? “
“Aye Cedric how did you get your girlfriend”...(cause Cedric is so mean)
by cedricsfuckingwifeyadiggg March 20, 2019
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We're you at that house party? It turned out Steve is a total cedric, his dog was freaking and his parents shipped him off somewhere as soon as they got back.
by Anybodycould March 11, 2016
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