Casper is a rare name meaning sexy, muscular, hot. Casper is a great musician and great in bed.

If you get into a relationship with Casper you will not be disappointed.
"Damm Casper, your to sexy and muscular!"
by Mikael December 15, 2016
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Casper is Typically a boys name. Casper's Are the most resourceful people around. They are excellent gamers and are amazing with coding, computers and robotics. Some Casper's are A-romantic and A-sexual.
Casper is amazing
by Invincible Nightmare November 5, 2017
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The best guy ever and I love him so much and he’s the best boyfriend ever. CASPER I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
I love you Casper
by Marsthegayplanet December 29, 2022
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(v.) The act of mutually ghosting, also known as friendly ghosting. When both parties do not call or text one another after a date, hang out or hookup.
After we hung out last week, we both caspered. It's for the best.

He was a really nice guy, but something just didn't click and after we just caspered each other.

He told me he 50% supported Trump, so obviously not for me. Thankfully we caspered.
by dn0090 September 3, 2019
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Ghosted. Leaving that chick from the bar on read because she wanted to go on a date before smashing.
Get fuckin caspered.

dude 1: yo are you still talking to that chick we met at the hole or did your square wheeled duster ass get ghosted?
dude 2: nah i caspered her ass
dude 1: lmao get fuckin caspered
by getcaspered February 3, 2019
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Casper might not seem to be an appropriate name for a K.I.D.. But be sure, that when you meet a person called Casper, dont be in doubt.
These so called ''casper's'' is down with everything.
(Almost everything)

They will most likely seem friendly and calm to everybody, but if a mofo is messing with him, be sure to get Casper out of the room, hall, etc.

Also, these persons are very rare, and will most likely only be found in their hood. controlling whatever they do.

When in doubt of the person is really a Casper or not, kick him or slap him. If he is a Casper, he will most likely make a dickish move, either when you are trying to impress a girl, or just when you'r trying to do something cool.
''Hey guys guess what i did last night'' - (one of the mofo's slapping a Casper)
''I dunno dude, but guess what i did last night'' - sticks his 'two fingers' up close to ur nose and yell out - ''YOUR SISTER''
by iluvdemboobs November 6, 2012
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