derogatory: I think that cat just tried to pocket the roach. What a carpeteer he be.
by Pararox April 10, 2004
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1-Flying carpet
2-Floor carpet
3-Car pet
1-"omg that guy has a flying carpet!"
2-"omg such a dirty carpet
3-"ooo a car pet"
by Fez October 14, 2004
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A kid with curly hair, prone to thrust indecently but hilariously. Highly Ticklish and sustains an abundance of bass knowledge and skill.
Bassist's do it with rhythm.
Carpet you are unco. =)
by PancreasPoke October 22, 2007
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to be so wasted, that you can't get up the floor.
Wow, I was carpet last night!!!
by Ivan _fukitman September 27, 2006
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n. slut, whore, person that puts out
see: shag carpet
That girl is dressed like such a carpet.
by TracyL March 23, 2006
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A 'code' word used in replace of the word gay.
Variations include 'carpet cleaner' which is refering to a gay person.
"hey do you think that guy over there is carpet?"

"probably, this place is full of carpet

by lolITSTweenies May 6, 2009
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