An automobile of the 70's and 80's vintage. Also used to describe a really bad mullet. Business up front, party in the back. Usually people with mullets drive bunk El-Caminos and have the nick name hoss or sea bass.
"Damn check out the El-Camino on that guy."
"WTF that chick is sporting a fine El-Camino yep must be playing for the other team"

by John Enright March 29, 2006
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A chick you would do, but so nasty, that you wouldn't want to tell your friends about it.
That chick is like an El Camino. Fun to ride until your friends see you.
by the-moyni May 30, 2009
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community college in Torrance, CA where local high school students go to continue high school after they graduate, under the auspices of "going to college" also known as UC El Co, UC Torrance, etc.
"you graduate from Narbonne?"
"where you goin next year? UCLA?"
"nah rejected. im goin to UC EL CO BITCH!!!!"
by LuDaChRiS August 9, 2003
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The Band Camino is maybe the best band ever.

They have created multiple hits, and always can make you feel better. They are a mix of alternative, rock, and electro. The band has multiple members, including Jeffrey Jordan (vocals/lead guitar), Spencer Stewart (vocals/guitar), Graham Rowell (bass), and Andrew Isbell (drums) known as The Band CAMINO. They can be listen to on Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, and other popular streaming services. They are currently going on tour, and have massed 30.9k followers on Instagram. They are based fro Memphis, and are overall such a amazing band with some of the best vocals you will ever hear.
Isabel: Have you heard of The Band Camino?
Ethan: Funny you mentioned it, I just saw them on tour two days ago.
Isabel: No way!! Lucky
Ethan I know! They are truly amazing
by definition100% April 6, 2019
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the best band ever. Alternative rock, pop. It just has everything. Already going on tours. They really are a great band and can always make you feel better. A must listen to for anyone!
Did you hear about THE BAND CAMINO?
Yes! Their my favorite band ever
by definition100% April 3, 2019
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ridi'n w/ tha Caddy another smooth pimp mobile
damn that 69' el camino ss is throwed
by Jamofo August 24, 2003
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When your wife brings a group of men home to fuck husband until he passes out
He is out cold after that El Camino Sandman.
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