A combination of Flop and Bop
Which actually mean your video getting low view while the other getting higher.
Ugh some of my video bop and while the other flops I guess I'm on my Blop era
by Antarticaqueefie December 19, 2021
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A morbidly obese person's way of hitting on someone. Done by hitting them with their fat, or penis rolls.
I wanna blop kabitch in his hottub.

Ewwww that fatass was blopping on me
by Beachgirl555 April 11, 2012
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Has different meanings throughout the World.

1. In Japan, Hawaii, Southern California, and Germany: Blop is the act of of very roughly surprising someone with anal sex.

2. Or just to be used as a filler word, or create an amazing term which can never be matched.
Ryan: So did you blop her last night?
Mychal: Yeah!!! you know i blopped that.

Cameron: BLOP!!
Justin: OH yeah well BLOPDUKEN!!!! ( the ultimate streetfighter secret move)
by YV BLOPMASTER February 13, 2011
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Refers to the sound for when a females vagina hits against a males face
Jasmine was horny so she blopped me.
by rae10123 August 19, 2008
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The sound a turd makes when hitting the toilet water but also goes by the acronym less popular for Black opts 2!
Muhammed: dam i had some mad blops action last night

Django: Yeah me too Black Opts 2 is the best....

Muhammed:........I meant poop! Blop!!
by rectum rattler December 17, 2012
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The insertion of just the testicles into a woman's vagina (or man's rectum) however you are inclined to repeated times. It offers no sexual pleasure whatsoever all you do it for is so you can say you've done it. After you've blopped a girl you may never want to look her in the eyes again
I blopped Jenny last night now I can't look her in the eyes because when I'm around her all I feel is shame.
by Sasquatch's Son March 24, 2010
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A hybrid genre of Black Metal and Popular music.
by Rizdogs January 16, 2007
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