A synonym of the slang word "gaydar". This term is an offshoot of the US military term "Blue Force Tracker". BFT is a tool the US military uses to track Soldiers on the battlefield in real time. In this case the term refers to a persons ability to spot someone who is gay.
That one registered a blip on my Blue Fag Tracker (BFT)!
by lrsu December 5, 2010
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A liar who is full of shit. Since many Americans over eat on Thanksgiving Thursday, Black Friday has a reputation for being a day of massive bowel movements.
“I can’t believe a word you are saying. You are like a Black Friday Toilet (BFT). BFT can also be used as an acronym to describe American politicians.
by Blackduck21 February 19, 2023
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Black Foot Tucker. Typically someone named Tucker but can be applied to anyone. This condition is also known as BFTSblack foot Tucker syndrome”. Tucker parties so hard he ends up taking his shoes off and dirties up the bottom of his bare feet which then become crusted in a layer of black dirt and grime.

Rachel will also have BFTS
Dude did see that girl last night who took her shoes off? No why? She got that BFTS
by Katie’s nub November 21, 2021
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Big fat tits usually found and fat white sluts
Bro I just saw a bft a while back
by Is,msermsnn June 21, 2017
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"Hey guys Coyote Peterson here and, why would you look at this! We have here a BFT, lets learn more..."
by bigturtleboi April 13, 2017
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